01 Aug 2017

Hiring foreign professionals

As we have been saying on in previous publications, the lack of manpower in the tooling industry as well as the lack of professional training often forces the sector to hire personnel outside the Community (EU) borders.

This type of hiring is highly costly for the company, both in money and in time. And it's that the administrative bureaucracy for the obtaining of work permits that are imposed by governmental entities is usually long and tedious, with which it rests the capacity of response in the sector and limits the levels of services of the companies in the process of growth. Shortening this process is only possible if the company has an intermediary in a subsidiary (within one of the plants/headquarters of the same organization); if they do not, they myst take advantage of the usual procedure, so that obtaining an employment permit can be delayed from 3 to 6 month - 1 year.

Given this situation, many companies use the fast track to not meet the required requirements, thus risking multiple consequences for both the company and the worker.


The risks of the fast lane

The need to shorten the recruitment process and to reach the first, bypassing all the usual obstacles and legal procedures, expose the company to innumerable consequences by not complying with the procedure set forth in the current regulations; and submits the company to possible labor inspections, economic sanctions, lack of protection of workers before possible accidents... Elements that match the image and reputation of the company, which moves with their actions a business ethics.


The solutions?

If we want to sleep in peace, our recommendation is going into effect with current regulations, obtain legalized work permits and, at the same time, continue to insist on trans-national and trans-community policies appropiate to the global service capacity demanded by today's markets.

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